Equality Check doesn't consider enum properties

Issue #5 resolved
Christian Oeing repo owner created an issue

Doing an equality check for an enum should give the user a drop down to choose from the existing enum values when choosing "Constant" for the 2nd argument.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian Oeing reporter

    A drop down would require a special handling and a specific editor for EqualityCheck as both selections for the arguments have to be considered. EqualityCheck between a string constant and an enum value is possible now (Commit eb8f8426581cc7bb50a6193f80155bee8fa03bf5), maybe this is already good enough. The drop down would be just a bit more comfortable.

  2. Christian Oeing reporter

    In general EqualityCheck should consider type of other value if "Constant" was chosen for one of them. This means using an IntField, FloatField, Toggle and enum drop down respectively.

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