Provide a setter to activate/deactivate one or more game objects and deactivate/activate others

Issue #72 resolved
Christian Oeing repo owner created an issue

From the forum:

Is it possible to implement a setter which combines ActiveSetters and InvertBoolOperation in the next version? There would be three inputs - boolean, SetActiveWhenTrue and SetActiveWhenFalse. It would behave like the attached image: The best option would be, if multiple GameObjects might be activated or deactivated when True/False, but event the single True/False gameobject would help me a lot. Thanks

Comments (2)

  1. Christian Oeing reporter

    Maybe something like an ActiveSwitch that behaves a bit like a BooleanSwitch, but immediately activates/deactivates game objects based on a boolean value.

  2. Christian Oeing reporter

    Added a GameObjectActiveSwitch which activates one game object when a boolean provider is true, otherwise activates a second game object and vice versa

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