
Issue #88 resolved
Jan D created an issue

Would it be possible to create component, which can activate/deactivate multiple gameobjects at once? It would be handy

Comments (4)

  1. Christian Oeing repo owner

    @Jochanan Thanks for the suggestion. It should be easy enough to create (the target binding just has to be replaced by a list of target bindings). But I have to think about whether to add it to the asset itself. I would be more content with a general way to execute some data binding logic to a collection of targets.

    I will have a look at it at a free minute and one way or another it will probably make it into the next version :)

  2. Christian Oeing repo owner

    Added a GameObjectsActiveSetter which uses a GroupActiveSetter internally that was already added some time ago. So the class is quite slim :)

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