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Author Commit Message Date Builds
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 9.41
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
PBKDF2 must use the JCA provider configured via PasswordBasedCryptoProvider.getJCAContext().getProvider() (iss #561)
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
Fixes CHANGELOG.txt typos
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
Minor edits to PBKDF2 code and JavaDocs (iss #564q)
Pere Bueno Yerbes
Merged in ISSUE-561 (pull request #120) Key derivation changed to use standard java.security API
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
Unifies the RSA_OAEP_SHA2.encryptCEK error message on invalid key (size) (iss #564q)
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
Fixes change log
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
Adds change log for iss #564)
Pankaj Yadav
Merged in ISSUE-564--incorrect-usage-of-CIPHER-MODES (pull request #121) ISSUE-564 For CEK keywrap , cipher mode should be wither WRAP or UNWRAP. It will throw exceptions otherwise when used in FIPS mode Approved-by: Vladimir Dzhuvinov Approved-by: Yavor Vasilev
Pankaj Yadav
ISSUE-564 For CEK keywrap , cipher mode should be wither WRAP or UNWRAP. It will throw exceptions otherwise when used in FIPS mode
Pere Bueno Yerbes
Key derivation changed to use standard java.security API
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
Adds Maven org.owasp:dependency-check-maven:10.0.3 plugin
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
JWEHeader receives support for the iss, sub and aud claims as replicated header params (iss #535)
Vladimir Dzhuvinov
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration