Add parser handler intefaces

Issue #114 resolved
Connect2id OSS created an issue

Borrow from jjwt concept:

T returnVal = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey(key).parse(compact, new JwtHandler<T>() {
    public T onPlaintextJwt(Jwt<Header, String> jwt) {
        //the JWT parsed was an unsigned plaintext JWT
        //inspect it, then return an instance of T (see returnVal above)

    public T onClaimsJwt(Jwt<Header, Claims> jwt) {
        //the JWT parsed was an unsigned Claims JWT
        //inspect it, then return an instance of T (see returnVal above)

    public T onPlaintextJws(Jws<String> jws) {
        //the JWT parsed was a signed plaintext JWS
        //inspect it, then return an instance of T (see returnVal above)

    public T onClaimsJws(Jws<Claims> jws) {
        //the JWT parsed was a signed Claims JWS
        //inspect it, then return an instance of T (see returnVal above)

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