Verifying the JWT Signature using the External Public key as String

Issue #161 resolved
Vinoj Mathew created an issue

Hi there,

I have problem of verifying the signature of jwt object. Really appreciate if you could help me on this how to resolve the issue.

1) Lets say I am using RSA 256 algorithm to generate the Encoded JWT Object. 2) i did SignedJWT signedJWT = SignedJWT.parse(s) --> where s is the encoded jwt object 3) i can print all the header with signedJWT.getHeader().toString() etc etc all the claim attributes -- no issues so far

issue: The problem is I am trying to verify the signature. i will be getting the certificate which i load from my local like the below one and its not the the complete one

String RSAcerifivcate = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"+ "MIIC4jCCAcqgAwIBAgIQQNXrmzhLN4VGlUXDYCRT3z"+ ""-----END CERTIFICATE-----";

if you could help me how to verify the signature of jwt object if i have key like this in hand. signedJWT.verify(verifier)

how do i use the above certifcate string to verify the Jwt Object. i couldnt see any examples to figure this out. Thanks for the help

Comments (6)

  1. Vinoj Mathew reporter

    Hi there,

    The certificate look like this as string

    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- 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 -----END CERTIFICATE-----


    Any help is really appreciated

  2. Vinoj Mathew reporter

    i have just found that i am getting the X509Certificate. From this certication i need to extract the public key to verify the Jwt signature.Any help or sample code is really appreciated.

  3. Connect2id OSS

    Use the getPublicKey() method of X509Certificate, then cast it to RSAPublicKey.

    With the RSAPublicKey you can then construct an RSASSAVerifier for the signed JWT.

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