Code Formatting

Issue #19 resolved
Justin Richer created an issue

Several classes do not use Java best practices for code formatting. For instance, there are missing brackets on single-line if statements. These should be updated and fixed for maintainability and readability of the codebase.

Comments (7)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Oh, I do that a lot :) And don't mind at all ;)

    What do you think about incorporating checkstyle into the build process?

  2. Justin Richer reporter

    I've never incorporated something like that into the build process, could be good here (and I'd probably do it on other projects, too). I was more thinking of just doing a one-time pass with a code formatter. I can run that if you're OK with it.

  3. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Could you run your code formatter on a new branch? I'm a bit anxious what would come out of it :) Cheers!

  4. Justin Richer reporter

    Pushed as code-format-cleanup. The cleanup function did several things:

    1. Fix indentation (hard tabs everywhere, which seemed to be the standard before anyway)
    2. Organized imports (expanded wildcards, alphabetized entries, removed unused imports)
    3. Wrapped all single-line conditional and loops with explicit brackets
    4. Added missing @Overrides and other annotations.
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