JWE: add support for ciphers utilizing internally-generated IVs.

Issue #193 resolved
Dimitar A. Stoikov created an issue

Hi Vladimir,

Encryption works well when the IV is created externally and supplied to the cipher. However, there are JCA/JCE providers that discard the supplied IV in favor of internally-generated one.

With providers like the above, the produced JWEs would be undecryptable as the recorded IV would be the Nimbus-generated one and it would be different than the actual IV generated by the provider.

Please let me know if you would be interested in a pull request -- I have a fix for the AES GCM content encryption and key wrapping algorithms.

In addition, please let me know if you require a contributor license agreement.

Thank you!

Kind regards, Dimitar

Comments (4)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Thanks, this could be really useful. I presume especially for HSM-based JCE providers.

    No contributor agreement is required. The library is Apache 2.0 licensed.


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