Use newer version of json-smart

Issue #202 duplicate
Markus Olsson created an issue


As a user of nimbus-jose-jwt and spring-boot, I would like the json-smart version to be increased to avoid major version clashes.

Risk of not doing it

Since spring boot 1.4.1.RELEASE, spring-boot-starter-test have included json-path 2.2.0 that in turns include json-smart 2.2.1.

This introduces a risk for me to run spring-boot-starer-test and nimbus-jose-jwt together since they are using the same library and different major versions of it.

Seeing more and more are adapting spring boot it would probably be a good idea to try and be on the same major versions as spring boot project to minimize possible problems.

artifact version includes
spring-boot-starter-test 1.4.1.RELEASE json-path
json-path 2.2.0 json-smart
json-smart 2.2.1

Comments (5)

  1. Connect2id OSS

    This appears to be quite a significant change. We'll investigate, if outstanding issues permit, next week.


  2. Connect2id OSS

    We decided to go for the change, probably as a new 5.0 release because there are tonnes of other libs that depend on the current lib setup. Today we're sorting out a priority Connect2id server release, once we're through that we'll get back to features.

    Thank you for your patience :)

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