JWT processing not supporting JWK header

Issue #208 invalid
santosh das created an issue

While using the JWT processing api, if i try to feed a JWT having an Embedded JWK in the header, The processing fails- If we consider the following JWT

{ "alg": "RS256", "jwk": "{ "kty": "RSA", "alg": "RS256", "use": "sig", "kid": "8a42a8337b12b93294b24e9469e5beb0daa1be4e", "n": "2kAbNB3gZncsmOPzh7SyA_LUnzLnDCPvImBtrN5bSi_gbIKkvsokVLELJUD885CCisEy8HQjArx5qCTwhOSwMBhTRWmSdWPGMpD-SAlobp35xLaIVkQsz_KjIqNYqFAkXQI3BSaC1WSRPL2rA1S6y0hz6miCDL2ekvUAM0_VVQSMA61nEuzQEkj9cB9wc4kI7J1HTIvUyhzyiOpCCMXdH6GQAstydX3Ng-KOaQNE53x_jjkJ7Dv4lozqlr4iNFQe2sVrUfWliJBRTcdOGYuvNHtPpEP-5_5J0D_yA_8cC5c8ZJHJWrsJBNfP37p5c3_4UCzKaVK2VmlFJoKYM4Qnfw", "e": "AQAB" }", "cty": "application/json", "typ": "JWT", "ContentType": "application/json", "kid": "7336172b91b89894846a11a8e00a77d6", "custom": "value" }

         JWT jwt = JWTParser.parse(generatedJWT);

and generatedJWT is same as the string described above

The error we get is Error:Unexpected type of JSON object member with key jwk

Comments (2)

  1. Connect2id OSS

    We'll add a test to check if JSON objects are supported at the JOSE header level.

    What is the reason to have a JWK embedded inside the JWT? You do understand that having a JWT signed with a JWK embedded in the JWT cannot be verified, given the nature the key is agreed?

  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    JSON objects as JOSE header parameters are supported, just make sure you inserted them as a JSON object and not some other class (e.g. JWK).

    Here is a test to demonstrate that: 6edeaf6

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