JWK Constructor erroneously throws IllegalArgumentException

Issue #226 resolved
Damian Wildie created an issue

class: com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWK

RFC 7517, section 4.3 states: The "use" and "key_ops" JWK members SHOULD NOT be used together; however, if both are used, the information they convey MUST be consistent. Applications should specify which of these members they use, if either is to be used by the application.

Therefore, the following key is valid as use and key_ops are consistent. However the JWK constructor throws an IllegalArgumentException, "They key use "use" and key options "key_opts" parameters cannot be set together".

{ kid: "ZRWYHaVw_7hHzmHhxTia7Zkm-y2utoea8cQGHGeCFFI", use: "sig", key_ops: ["sign"], kty: "RSA", e: "AQAB", n: "..." }

This JWK was generated by Microsoft's B2C Premium, Identity Experience Framework.

Comments (5)

  1. Damian Wildie reporter

    Thanks Vladimir. The following modification to JWK.java meets my needs but may not cover all cases of consistency.

    if (use != null && ops != null) { if (!(use.equals(KeyUse.SIGNATURE) && (ops.contains(KeyOperation.SIGN) || ops.contains(KeyOperation.VERIFY))) && !(use.equals(KeyUse.ENCRYPTION) && (ops.contains(KeyOperation.ENCRYPT) || ops.contains(KeyOperation.DECRYPT)))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The key use \"use\" and key options \"key_opts\" parameters cannot be set together"); } }

  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Added a map that defines the consistent "use" <-> "key_ops" combos. This map will now be used to check the JWK params at construction time. Also added a bunch of tests, including a test for your particular case.

    Commit: 24476bf

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