problem with audience value if the value is not a list or an array

Issue #236 resolved
Pascal Knüppel created an issue

when calling the "toJSONObject()" method of JWTClaimsSet the "aud" value is omitted from the content if the content is a single value that does not represent a list or an array. I got a screenshot that displays the problem clearly

audience problem.PNG

Comments (5)

  1. Pascal Knüppel reporter

    thx for the fast fix. Actually this bug laid a bug in my implementation open which is the only reason why I have found it :-)

  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    I see. I suppose the client code was setting the "aud" claim via the generic JWTClaimsSet.setClaim("aud", "value") instead of the dedicated .setAudience, which applies proper canonicalisation. Output will work either way now.

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