Missing access in JWEHeader

Issue #238 invalid
Pascal Knüppel created an issue

in the JWEHeader class I cannot access the content-encryption algorithm. I need to workaround here by translating the object into a JSONObject and then get the enc-value. I want to access this value because I want to check if the encryption algorithm is in the scope of the algorithms that my application is supporting. My application is not supporting all of the algorithms provided by nimbus.

Comments (2)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Looking at the screenshot, you were inspecting the base com.nimbusds.jose.Header object. The enc is a field of the JWEHeader class, and the getEncryptionMethod will give you access to it.

    The method name reflects an early draft where in the terminology section the content encryption algorithm used to be called encryption method.

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