Adding crit headers in JWTs makes the signature failed

Issue #304 invalid
quentin castel created an issue


It's more a question in regards to your signature verifier:

I was troubleshooting why suddenly my JWTs are detected as invalid. I finally found the issue and this is due to line:

if (! critPolicy.headerPasses(header)) {
            return false;

I am not sure to understand why having 'crit' headers makes automatically the signature invalid?


Comments (3)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    JOSE has this notion of critical JWS / JWE headers, which if not understood by the recipient should cause sig validation / decryption to fail.

    If you have critical headers that the application knows how to handle - list their names using the com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.RSASSAVerifier#RSASSAVerifier(, java.util.Set<java.lang.String>) constructor.

    If you have critical headers that act as inputs to the signature validation, override the RSASSAVerifier to take care of that.

  2. quentin castel reporter

    Perfect, thanks Vladimir. Really helpful.

    I was thinking: Would it not be nice if the verify signature returns an exception like InvalidToken and returns as a message the root cause of the issue?

    The error returns to the end user would be more explicit.

  3. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Packing extra info why the validation failed is a good idea.

    We could do that with exceptions. However, their performance to handle control flow like situations (invalid signature) is bad. Especially if the software needs to process a lot of tokens, and many of them can be invalid. This was addressed with caching them in the JWT processor, but that also has issues (we have a ticket for that).

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