Support custom auth tag length

Issue #313 wontfix
Andrew Berlin created an issue

Currently A256GCM encryption method produces only 128-bit auth tags.

It would be nice to have a possibility to customise its length.

Comments (3)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Are you aware that this would then no longer classify as A256GSM as specified in the JWA RFC?

    The requested size of the Authentication Tag output MUST be 128 bits,
    regardless of the key size.

    And 128 bits is the longest value taken from the NIST spec:

    The bit length of the tag, denoted t, is a security parameter, as discussed in Appendix B. In general, t may be any one of the following five values: 128, 120, 112, 104, or 96.

  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Customising the A256GSM auth tag length is against the spec.

    If there's real need for that create a custom enc identifier and content encryption method.

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