RSAKey.parse(rsaKey.toJSONObject()) fails when it contains an "x5c" attribute

Issue #314 resolved
D Laurent created an issue

RSAKey.parse(rsaKey.toJSONObject()) fails when it contains an "x5c" attribute

The stack is

java.text.ParseException: Unexpected type of JSON object member with key "x5c"

at com.nimbusds.jose.util.JSONObjectUtils.getGeneric(
at com.nimbusds.jose.util.JSONObjectUtils.getJSONArray(
at com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWKMetadata.parseX509CertChain(
at com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.RSAKey.parse(

A simple reproducer:

    public void testRSAKeyRoundtripWithX5c() throws Exception {

        RSAKey rsaKey = RSAKey.parse(

        // Fails with java.text.ParseException: Unexpected type of JSON object member with key "x5c"
        RSAKey secondPassKey = RSAKey.parse(rsaKey.toJSONObject());

        assertThat(secondPassKey, is(rsaKey));

The reason behind the exception lies in com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWK#toJSONObject where the x5c field is put into the jsonObject as-is:

        if (x5c != null) {
            o.put("x5c", x5c);

and the x5c field is

     * The X.509 certificate chain, optional.
    private final List<Base64> x5c;

In RSAKey the x5c field will be a Collections.unmodifiableList in front of a LinkedList.

The exception occurs in com.nimbusds.jose.util.JSONObjectUtils#getGeneric


        if (! clazz.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
            throw new ParseException("Unexpected type of JSON object member with key \"" + key + "\"", 0);

because the Collections.UnmodifiableList is not assignable from the JSONArray.class

A potential fix would be to convert the x5c List into a JSONArray in com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWK#toJSONObject (i.e. when it is not assignable from JSONArray already).

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