[Patch] Let DefaultJWEDecryptorFactory accept opaque private keys

Issue #350 resolved
stisve created an issue

This issue is related to #291 and is regarding how com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.factories.DefaultJWEDecrypterFactory validates the input keys.

#291 resulted in a change to the Decrypter interfaces to support opaque keys, e.g. keys stored in a HSM or remote keystore, however this interface change was not propagated to the input validation on DefaultJWEDecrypterFactory.

I’ve attached a patch that will relax the validation so that opaque keys may also be supported.

Comments (3)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Thanks, the patch looked good and was merged. We have a new version for it now - 8.9 - should be on Maven Central soon!

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