JwtObject ECDSAVerifier verifying the wrong signature format

Issue #351 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hi, I am creating a jwt token outside of java and I am able to verify the payload with the signature using standard java security. However, if I parse the jwt into a SignedJWT and try to verify, it fails. Looking at it closer, the problem is in ECDSAVerifier.java. In line 182 it converts the signature to DER using derSignature = ECDSA.transcodeSignatureToDER(jwsSignature); If I use the jwsSignature in line 177 instead, the verification a few lines below succeed. Any idea why? I am using the latest jose-jwt sdk 8.9 in java. Here is the token and the public key (all test data, safe to share)


-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAErO9ybka4GEe3wu1rOoW3Cd/ddIVu yCMaHVps36J65d9YExrfcxHmhSk/Awk6ZkNRFvGeFwI45nheIP03Qirt2A== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Comments (2)

  1. Thorsten Kuehnemund

    Nevermind, I figured it out. The signature I created with openssl is already DER (ASN.1) encoded but nimbus-JOSE-JWT expects it in the concatenated format for ES256 signatures. So this issue can be closed.

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