Integrating with JOSE JS

Issue #357 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm trying to let Nimbus JOSE JWT interact with Javascript JWK (more specifically the JOSE JS library), using RSA-OAEP-256 (key encryption) combined with AES256GCM (message encryption). Using a server side (nimbus) generated key pair I can encrypt and decrypt server side fine. Using the same keypair in JOSE JS also works fine as long as I stay client side Now the use case is to

  • let the server provide the public RSA key
  • then the JOSE JS lib encrypt a message using this public key (on the fly creating an AES key to encrypt the message)
  • the resulting JOSE JS cypher is handed to to server
  • On the server I extract the 5 components (header, cek, vector, cypher and tag) from the JOSE JS cypher and feed this to the nimbus library to decrypt using the private key.
  • All seams fine until AES decrypting the cypher (so the RSA decripting of the cek succeeded). The error I get is: "AES/GCM/NoPadding decryption failed: Tag mismatch!" signed int comparison of the JOSE JS cyper client and server sided is perfect, so no info seems to be lost along the way. Any idea what I am doing wrong, or could you reccommend a client side lib that has proven to work with Nimbus Jose JWT?

Regards and I like your lib.

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