Error message for unmatched claim is ambiguous

Issue #361 resolved
Marco Vermeulen created an issue

Debugging unmatched claims on the serverside is very confusing due to an ambiguous error message. The message currently reads as follows:

Rejected JWT: JWT "scope" claim doesn't match expected value: ["xxx.yyy:write"]

What this error message tells me is that the claim does not match an expected value of xxx.yyy:write. This is not correct, as the claim that is being verified is xxx.yyy:write, and does not refer to the expected value at all.

This had my colleagues and I going round in circles for quite some time 🙂

I’d like to raise a PR that will improve the logging. I would suggest having a more explicit error message, like for example:

Rejected JWT: JWT "scope" claim has value ["xxx.yyy:write"] but expected ["aaa.bbb:write"]

Are there any concerns/objections to making such a change?

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