Safenet HSM

Issue #371 invalid
Former user created an issue

Is it really possible to get the private key out of HSM? How JWSSigning can be done inside hsm itself using private key ?

public class JwsSigninghsm { public String constructSignedPayload(String Input) throws Exception{ // The path to the HSM config file String configFile = "hsm-config.cfg"; //path

// Load the HSM as a Java crypto provider
Provider hsmProvider = new;   
// Get a handle to the private RSA key for signing
KeyStore hsmKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS11", hsmProvider);
String userPin = "123456"; // The pin to unlock the HSM  //pareametr
hsmKeyStore.load(null, userPin.toCharArray());
String keyID = "1"; // The key identifier or alias
String keyPin = ""; // Optional pin to unlock the key
PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey)hsmKeyStore.getKey(keyID, keyPin.toCharArray());

// Create an RSA signer and configure it to use the HSM
// We can now RSA sign JWS
Payload payload = new Payload(tokenGenerationInput);/*create Payload*/              
JWSHeader jwsHeader = new JWSHeader(JWSAlgorithm.RS256); /*Create Header with RSASHA256*/              
JWSSigner signer = new RSASSASigner(privateKey);  //RSASSASigner supports SHA256   
final JWSObject jwsObject = new JWSObject(jwsHeader,payload);
jwsObject.sign(signer);  /*Sign the content*/       
String SignedInput = jwsObject.serialize(); /*[header-base64url].[payload-base64url].[signature-base64url]*/    
return SignedInput ;



Comments (1)

  1. Yavor Vasilev

    Yes, it is possible to a sign a JWT with a private key stored in a HSM :)

    This is what HSMs do, if they are not capable of performing such an operation, or allow the key to be extracted, then it's no HSM by definition.

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