Support Multiple Issuers, similar to acceptedAudienceValues

Issue #387 resolved
Jason Obert created an issue

We are looking to move away from our current JWT framework to Nimbus. Initial Load Test Performance shows about a 25-30% drop in CPU. Liking that! One request is to handle multiple issuers in the Constructor. We have a scenario that allows for our JWKSet to handle multiple Issuers as well as multiple Audiences.


private final Set<String> acceptedIssuerValues;

Requesting a new Constructor:

public DefaultJWTClaimsVerifier(final Set<String> acceptedAudience,
            Set<String> acceptedIssuer,  //New Object to Constructor
            final JWTClaimsSet exactMatchClaims,
            final Set<String> requiredClaims,
            final Set<String> prohibitedClaims) {

This would also require a change to the signature for JWTClaimsSet.getIssuer()

Is that a possibility?

Comments (6)

  1. Jason Obert reporter


    Thanks for the response. I’ve been tinkering with the code for how to do that with it being nonbreaking change. My next question was to ask if users were allowed to create PRs or if it was a locked repo. I’ll keep up my work and create a PR if that is OK.



  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    PRs are open. If you have issues submitting a PR, you can also post a patch file.


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