version 9.11.1 sets jcip annotations dependency to optional

Issue #438 resolved
Kenneth Leong created an issue

I just upgraded from 9.9.3 to 9.11.1. and it seems that in 9.11.1, the jcip-annotations dependency is set to optional which will cause my project (Android project btw) to have a compile time failure as the transitive dependency to jcip-annotations is optional thus not imported.

I am using DefaultJwtSetCache which needs the @ThreadSafe annotation which cannot be found if i do not manually import com.github.stephenc.jcip:jcip-annotations. Version 9.9.3 did not set jcip-annoataions dependency as optional.

Manually import com.github.stephenc.jcip:jcip-annotations for the time being.

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