When using nimbus-jose-jwt, with RemoteJWKSet can i find(see in logs) when request are made to remote url for cache update etc

Issue #451 duplicate
vamsh cl created an issue

While using nimbus-jose-jwt with RemoteJWKSet, I would like to find(see in logs) when requests are made to remote url for cache update etc.
For the spring boot app, I set logging.level.com.nimbusds=TRACE but could not find any logging related to calls to remote url for retrieving the jwks from remote server.
Is there a way to find when a call is made to remote server to retrieve the jwks

Comments (4)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    The library has a policy to not log things, but give developers enough ways to do that themselves.

    What we could do is add some onRetrieval method, to enable a log hook. Will this work for you?

  2. vamsh cl reporter

    well. Some or any method/log that traces when the jwks endpoint has been hit to refresh/update the keys is good for me. I will be very excited to see the onRetrieval method in action. Do you have a plan on when this will be available to user like me. And thanks for your response.

  3. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    No concrete plan, not at all. Will you be interested to submit a well formed PR (with tests)?

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