Is Nimbus-JOSE-JWT vulnerable to CVE-2022-21449?

Issue #472 resolved
Former user created an issue


Just wondering if there is a concrete unit test, or other verification, that can show that the issue described below doesn't impact this project?


Josh Mahonin

Comments (10)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Hi Josh,

    Neil’s test vector with blank P1363 formatted signature gets rejected in the ECDSA.transcodeSignatureToDER method with a JOSEException. We hope to have concrete tests and perhaps a better exception soon.

  2. Thomas Maier

    Do you already have concrete information if Nimbus-Jose-JWT is affected (or better not)?

    Thank you!

  3. Thomas Maier

    sorry for the stupid question, but the current Version without an update is also already safe but the new version adds additional security?

  4. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    That’s alright. All Nimbus versions are safe in respect to this CVE, and ES*** signatures have been supported since 2013 or so.

  5. Vladimir Dzhuvinov
    • changed status to open

    Last night it was reported that the DER transcoder will not prevent mod N attacks from reaching the Java ECDSA provider. This means that apps using this lib with Java 15+ runtimes were in fact vulnerable. A patch will be published soon. Stay tuned!

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