9.24(.1) Gson time serialization issue

Issue #485 resolved
Former user created an issue

I've got a unit test with Payload.toString() which is failing after the upgrade to 9.24 or 9.24.1 with the switch to GSON:

Expected: "auth_time":1518022800
but: was "auth_time":1.5180228E9

Somehow the defautl serialization of GSON for numbers applies with a scientific notation being used.

Comments (14)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Would you post a reproducible snippet to demonstrate the issue? In particular, how the Payload got constructed.

  2. D Laurent
        SignedJWT signedJWT = SignedJWT.parse(idToken);
        JWSHeader header = signedJWT.getHeader();
        Payload payload = signedJWT.getPayload();
        Base64URL signature = signedJWT.getSignature();
        assertThat(header.getAlgorithm(), is(JWSAlgorithm.PS512));
        assertThat(payload.toString(), contains("\"auth_time\":1518022800,"));

    I’m validating a standard OIDC ID Token from an IdP which contains the auth_time claim.

    The new “payload.toString()” with GSON is deserializing using a scientific notation “1.5 E9”

  3. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    I added this test to try to replicate the issue: 7d12a75d

    The test passes and I have abs no idea what’s going on here :) Would you paste the b64url of the JWT payload?

  4. Wojciech Czarnecki

    I also got (probably the same) issue when updating from 9.23 to 9.24.1. I put integer in claims, and later it changes to double.

    This is surely related to GSON, see: https://github.com/google/gson/issues/1084

    The problem is in JWT.getJWTClaimsSet() method, to be more precise in this.getPayload().toJSONObject():

  5. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    I’m now contemplating dropping GSON and favor of a stricter and more predictable JSON lib. Suggestions?

  6. D Laurent

    Ok. I isolated the interesting bits in the unit test.

    Here is a sample id token:


    Here is the unit test:

        private static String generateIdToken(long currentTimeMillis)
                throws JOSEException, com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.ParseException {
            Issuer iss = new Issuer("https://example.org");
            Subject sub = new Subject("john.doe");
            List<Audience> aud = Collections.singletonList(new Audience("7j3hMIJiJjxre0i3G26IafmH2JHUj7cbCMl7YS7iyqI"));
            long iatMillis = currentTimeMillis;
            Date iat = new Date(iatMillis);
            long idTokenMaxAgeHours = 1L;
            long expMillis = iatMillis + TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(idTokenMaxAgeHours);
            Date exp = new Date(expMillis);
            IDTokenClaimsSet idTokenClaimsSet = new IDTokenClaimsSet(iss, sub, aud, exp, iat);
            // auth_time
            idTokenClaimsSet.setAuthenticationTime(new Date(iatMillis));
            JWSAlgorithm jwsAlgorithm = JWSAlgorithm.EdDSA;
            OctetKeyPair signingKeyPair = new ExtendedOctetKeyPairGenerator(Curve.Ed448).algorithm(JWSAlgorithm.EdDSA)
            JWSHeader header = new JWSHeader.Builder(jwsAlgorithm).keyID(signingKeyPair.getKeyID()).build();
            SignedJWT signedJWT = new SignedJWT(header, idTokenClaimsSet.toJWTClaimsSet());
            signedJWT.sign(new Ed448Signer(signingKeyPair));
            String idToken = signedJWT.serialize();
            System.out.println("idToken = " + idToken);
            return idToken;
        public void testDeserializeWithGson() throws Exception {
            long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
            String idToken = generateIdToken(currentTimeMillis);
            SignedJWT signedJWT = SignedJWT.parse(idToken);
            JWSHeader header = signedJWT.getHeader();
            Payload payload = signedJWT.getPayload();
            Base64URL signature = signedJWT.getSignature();
            assertThat(header.getAlgorithm(), is(JWSAlgorithm.EdDSA));
            System.out.println("payload.toString() = " + payload.toString());
            long expectedAuthTime = currentTimeMillis / 1000L;
            assertThat(payload.toString(), containsString(
                            "\"auth_time\":" + expectedAuthTime + ","));
            Map<String, Object> payloadJson = payload.toJSONObject();
            assertThat(payloadJson.get("sub"), is("john.doe"));
            assertThat(payloadJson.get("iss"), is("https://example.org"));
            assertThat(payloadJson.get("aud"), is("7j3hMIJiJjxre0i3G26IafmH2JHUj7cbCMl7YS7iyqI"));
            assertThat(payloadJson.get("auth_time"), is(expectedAuthTime));


    payload.toString() = {"sub":"john.doe","aud":"7j3hMIJiJjxre0i3G26IafmH2JHUj7cbCMl7YS7iyqI","auth_time":1.660730988E9,"iss":"https://example.org","exp":1660734588,"iat":1660730988}

    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.AssertionError:
    Expected: a string containing ""auth_time":1660730988,"
    but: was "{"sub":"john.doe","aud":"7j3hMIJiJjxre0i3G26IafmH2JHUj7cbCMl7YS7iyqI","auth_time":1.660730988E9,"iss":"https://example.org","exp":1660734588,"iat":1660730988}"

  7. D Laurent

    json-smart 2.4.8 can be compiled for Java 7.

    Java 8 is actually only required for 2 test classes: TestGitHubIssue and TestUtf8.

    Since you are shading it, you could include classes compiled for Java 7 instead.

    I’m thinking json-smart because it’s very lightweight (compared to Jackson) and you can be certain of keeping backward compatibility.

  8. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Thanks for the test snippet, I appreciate that. I plugged it in and the issue was made visible.

    I plugged in the suggested Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setObjectToNumberStrategy(ToNumberPolicy.LONG_OR_DOUBLE).create(); but that didn’t fix the double issue. I’m getting increasingly perplexed why Gson does the things it does :)

    Forking JSON Smart and recompiling it for Java 7 will work to solve the immediate issue at hand, but in practice this will mean taking another project under our wing and the responsibility to keep it maintained it to a degree, even if this appears limited right now.

  9. Wojciech Czarnecki

    It’s strange that ToNumberPolicy.LONG_OR_DOUBLE didn’t work, during my tests when I modified instance of Gson defined in JSONObjectUtils everything worked fine.

  10. Aliaksei Astashenka

    Got this(?) issue when upgrading from 9.23 to 9.24.1. A lot of failed tests looking similar:

    expected: -6846781232409087277L
     but was: -6.846781232409087E18
    expected: 1234L
     but was: 1234.0


    Any quick workaround for this? Thanks!

  11. Wojciech Czarnecki

    Either downgrade to 9.23 or hack Gson used by JSONObjectUtils with something like this (this is just a PoC, don’t use it 🙃 ):

    static {
        try {
            java.lang.reflect.Field field = com.nimbusds.jose.util.JSONObjectUtils.class.getDeclaredField("GSON");
            com.nimbusds.jose.shaded.gson.Gson gson = (com.nimbusds.jose.shaded.gson.Gson) field.get(null);
            field = com.nimbusds.jose.shaded.gson.Gson.class.getDeclaredField("factories");
            List<com.nimbusds.jose.shaded.gson.TypeAdapterFactory> list = new ArrayList<>((List<com.nimbusds.jose.shaded.gson.TypeAdapterFactory>) field.get(gson));
            list.add(1, com.nimbusds.jose.shaded.gson.internal.bind.ObjectTypeAdapter.getFactory(com.nimbusds.jose.shaded.gson.ToNumberPolicy.LONG_OR_DOUBLE));
            field.set(gson, list);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

  12. Yavor Vasilev

    Does anyone know what setNumberToNumberStrategy(ToNumberPolicy.LONG_OR_DOUBLE) actually does and whether it’s called during JSON parsing?

  13. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    The .setObjectToNumberStrategy(ToNumberPolicy.LONG_OR_DOUBLE) apparently did the job. I think I had the tests or something else messed up to say yesterday that it didn't.

    The commit with the fix: 72e3fc1d

    Check out v9.24.2 in a few minutes or so.

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