SignedJWT.parse gives nullpointerexception when a jwt has a header missing

Issue #492 resolved
Former user created an issue

When upgrading from nimbusds 9.24.3 to 9.25.1 we noticed that one of our tests started failing due to an unexpected NullPointerException when trying to use SignedJWT.parse() on a testcase where the jwt is missing a header. Before this gave us a ParseException as expected. We looked through the change history of the project and found that you changed json parser around the time this happened.

Comments (5)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Would you post a simple test case or vector, we are unsure how to reproduce this (and there are tests).

  2. Alar Kvell

    Running JWSObject.parse(".."); previously with version 9.23 threw ParseException, but now with version 9.24.4 it throws java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.Map.get(Object)" because "o" is null. Haven’t checked intermediate versions.

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