X509CertChainUtils parse method makes it hard to figure out what's wrong if a certificate fails to parse

Issue #565 resolved
Joseph Heenan created an issue

The code here:



public static List<X509Certificate> parse(final List<Base64> b64List)
    throws ParseException {

    if (b64List == null)
       return null;

    List<X509Certificate> out = new LinkedList<>();

    for (int i=0; i < b64List.size(); i++) {

       if (b64List.get(i)== null) continue; // skip

       X509Certificate cert = X509CertUtils.parse(b64List.get(i).decode());

       if (cert == null) {
          throw new ParseException("Invalid X.509 certificate at position " + i, 0);


    return out;

Uses X509CertUtils.parse rather than X509CertUtils.parseWithException - resulting in an exception like this:

Invalid JWK at position 0: Invalid X.509 certificate chain "x5c": Invalid X.509 certificate at position 0

The actual underlying error (which turned out to be java.security.cert.CertificateParsingException: Empty issuer DN not allowed in X509Certificates) is unfortunately lost and not visible to anyone.

Changing lines 13-17 to something like this:

            X509Certificate cert = null;
            try {
                cert = X509CertUtils.parseWithException(b64List.get(i).decode());
            } catch (CertificateException e) {
                throw new ParseException("Invalid X.509 certificate at position " + i + ": " + e.getMessage(), 0);

would I think result in the exception message being passed through and potentially being visible somewhere useful (I have not tested this!)

Comments (5)

  1. Yavor Vasilev

    Thank you for this report. It’s immediately actionable and we’ll move forward with a fix.

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