OIDCClient parse method causes potential problems when using the same object during encryption

Issue #127 resolved
Lai Xin Chu created an issue

In the class com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.rp.OIDCClient, the method with the following signature: public static OIDCClientMetadata parse(final JSONObject jsonObject) throws ParseException { creates a new EncryptionMethod object when parsing the OIDCClient metadata attributes "request_object_encryption_enc", "id_token_encrypted_response_enc", and "userinfo_encrypted_response_enc". This creates a problem if the same object is reused during an encryption flow since the cekBitLength value inside the EncryptionMethod class is set to a default value of 0.

Suggest to use the EncryptionMethod.parse(String s) method on the value derived from the OIDCClient metadata first, and if returns null, then create a new EncryptionMethod object.

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