remove javax.servlet-api dependency

Issue #133 resolved
Bùi Việt Thành created an issue

I want to use this library but not in a servlet container.

When search javax.servlet, I found only com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.http.{HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse} depend on servlet-api and the dependency is only to:

  • construct HTTPRequest from javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest the constructors is used only in test code

  • apply HTTPResponse to a javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse the method applyTo is also used only in test code.


Can you remove javax.servlet-api dependency (make the dependency optional) by moving the dependent HTTPRequest's constructors & HTTPResponse.applyTo method into a separate class?

Thank you!

Comments (5)

  1. Connect2id OSS

    Thanks for the suggestion. The servlet dependency is indeed more of an option. We'll mark this for the next release.

  2. Daniel Straub

    This change breaks the backward compatibility of the sdk, for e.g. in our projects we have about 15 parts to change. If a public method is only used in test code, this doesn't forbids the use of this methods in our applications.

    For e.g. fluently code like this:

            new TokenErrorResponse(OAuth2Error.UNSUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPE)

    has to be changed to

                    new TokenErrorResponse(OAuth2Error.UNSUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPE).toHTTPResponse(), servletResponse);

    And this for all Response types.

    Hopefully the SDK will remain more stable in the future and has not be changed for only one user request.

  3. Connect2id OSS

    Point taken :)

    It's not always easy to strike a balance between keeping the code stable and improving / refactoring the code base.

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