Handle query component in original redirect_uri

Issue #140 resolved
Connect2id OSS created an issue

Reported by email to support, submitter details stripped for confidentiality:

Hi All

We are using the oauth2-oidc-sdk library version 4.14.1.

We have a client having the following redirect uri registered:


We use the class AuthenticationSuccessResponse to respond to the client.

Example code:

AuthenticationSuccessResponse res = new AuthenticationSuccessResponse(authReq.getRedirectionURI(), code, null, null, authReq.getState(), null, null);

ServletUtils.applyHTTPResponse(res.toHTTPResponse(), response);

In this context the method AuthorizationResponse. toURI() will be called and does the following:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getRedirectionURI().toString());

if (rm.equals(ResponseMode.QUERY)) { sb.append('?'); } else if (rm.equals(ResponseMode.FRAGMENT)) { sb.append('#'); } else { throw new SerializeException("The (implied) response mode must be query or fragment"); }

The result now is the following Response having 2 question marks:


We believe that it is allowed to have a redirect-uri having query parameters. If this is true, we assume that the class above has a bug.

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