AuthorizationRequest.parse(final URI uri) incorrectly parses query parameters with encoded "="

Issue #147 resolved
Connect2id OSS created an issue

Originally posted in JOSE+JWT bug tracker:

Matt Randall created an issue 2 days ago

When invoking the parse method, a caller whose redirect URI includes query parameters (as allowed in section 3.1.2 of the OAuth 2.0 Framework 1) gets truncated. This is because 's .getQuery() method returns the string with all encoded characters decoded, including the equal sign. As a result, the split on "=" results in three strings, causing the query parameters inside a parameter to be truncated.

Instead, this method should use .getRawQuery() -- it appears this was what was intended, because later URLUtils.parseParameters(...) attempts to URLDecode the parameter values.

Attached is a unit test that shows .getRawQuery() is the appropriate method to invoke when passing a query string to URLUtils.parseParameters(). For demonstration, if you switch line 23 to uri.getQuery(), the test will fail.

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