Ivy does not support range version dependency in oauth-oidc-sdk 5.0-alpha2

Issue #148 resolved
Jérôme LELEU created an issue


I'm the creator of pac4j: https://github.com/pac4j/pac4j and the pac4j-oidc module is based on your oauth-oidc-sdk library version 5.0-alpha2. It has a dependency on the nimbus-jose-jwt library with a range version: [4.0,]

I'm not sure if it is explicitly supported by Maven, but it's not by Ivy yet. As Play framework is using Ivy, the play-pac4j project cannot correctly used the pac4j-oidc dependency.

See the full details here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32620975/sbt-unresolved-dependency-issue

As the oauth-oidc-sdk is still in alpha, it would be great to change this range from [4,0,] to [4,0,), which works with Play.

Thanks. Best regards, Jérôme

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