HTTPRequest.parse(URL httprequest)

Issue #154 resolved
ShengChe Hsiao created an issue

I use Apache Wicket 7 and this sdk (latest version) to create oaut2 auth endpoint, example code as below

HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) getRequest().getContainerRequest(); URI uri = new URI(AuthUtils.getFullURL(request)); final HTTPRequest httprequest = new HTTPRequest(Method.GET, uri.toURL());

and I got full url as below southernlight.common.AuthUtils - FULL URL :]

when i trid to parse this url AuthorizationRequest authrequest = AuthorizationRequest.parse(httprequest);

exception raised Caused by: com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.ParseException: Missing URI query string at com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.AuthorizationRequest.parse( ~[oauth2-oidc-sdk-4.16.1.jar:4.16.1]

But, When I using AuthorizationRequest authrequest = AuthorizationRequest.parse(new URI(AuthUtils.getFullURL(request)));

It works fine. And I checked the source of AutthorizationRequest, then found this method 808 public static AuthorizationRequest parse(final HTTPRequest httpRequest) 809 throws ParseException { 810
811 String query = httpRequest.getQuery(); 812
813 if (query == null) 814 throw new ParseException("Missing URI query string"); 815 816 try { 817 return parse(URIUtils.getBaseURI(httpRequest.getURL().toURI()), query); 818 819 } catch (URISyntaxException e) { 820 821 throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(), e); 822 } 823 } 824}

and trace the httpRequest.getQuery(); 250 public String getQuery() { 251
252 return query; 253 }

as query = null so raise that exception.

May you check that, thanks.

Comments (4)

  1. Connect2id OSS

    Please use the following:

    HTTPRequest httpRequest = ServletUtils.createHTTPRequest(httpServletRequest);

    This will parse the query string from the servlet request correctly.

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