Token request with client credentials grant

Issue #170 invalid
Vinoj Mathew created an issue

Hi there,

I am using the latest version of oauth2-oidc-sdk(5.5.1)

Trying to fetch the token using client credential grant. some how clientAuthentication is not adding to url.I tried to print the header,but that details is not comming up System.out.println(request.toHTTPRequest().getQuery());

Following is the output when i Print the query


Error: The error I am getting is invalid_request: client_assertion' or 'client_secret' is required for the 'client_credentials' grant type. Please find the below code

I have attached the sample code

Also this getAccessToken() method is not available in the latest release.

AccessTokenResponse successResponse = (AccessTokenResponse) response;

// Get the access token AccessToken accessToken = successResponse.getAccessToken();

By the way this is the complete url add on i need to pass. How do i pass the resource along with it.


Thanks Vinoj

Comments (10)

  1. Connect2id OSS


    Apparently the server is expecting the credentials in the post body. Use ClientSecretPost instead of ClientSecretBasic to encode them into the request.

    ClientSecretBasic encodes them into the Authorization header.

  2. Connect2id OSS


    Apparently the server is expecting the credentials in the post body. Use ClientSecretPost instead of ClientSecretBasic to encode them into the request.

    ClientSecretBasic encodes them into the Authorization header.

  3. Vinoj Mathew reporter

    Thanks for the help.Really appreciate that and it is working.

    If i need to append resource along with the url how do i pass it.


    Currently I can only pass

    1) grant_type=client_credentials


    3) resource ????


  4. Connect2id OSS


    We'll add an option to append custom parameters, like resource, to the token request body.

    In the mean time you can work around like this:

    HTTPRequest httpRequest = tokenRequest.toHTTPRequest();
    Map<String,String> params = httpRequest.getQueryParameters();
    params.put("resource", "http:///");
  5. Connect2id OSS

    Reported request required client_secret_post authentication.

    Created ticket #171 to add support for custom resource and other parameters.

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