BoundedInputStream error when using IDTokenValidator

Issue #196 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hello there,

I'm attempting to validate an incoming ID Token JWT using the IDTokenValidator. I am running in to a BoundedInputStream error at runtime when creating the validator. The relevant code looks like this:

{code} IDTokenValidator val = new IDTokenValidator( new Issuer(expectedIssuer), new ClientID(expectedClientId), incomingJWTAlgJWS, new URL(""));

I'm fairly new to Java so I could certainly be doing something wrong, but in this case I don't think it's me.

Comments (2)

  1. Connect2id OSS

    Hi there,

    Could you post the entire stack trace?

    This exception typically occurs when the remote JWK set file is too large. This was meant as a safety mechanism, to prevent DoS attacks on IdP and RPs that need to download a remote JWK set.

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