Refactor PKCE API to prevent incorrect use of code_challenge in AuthenticationRequest

Issue #202 resolved
Dark Eye created an issue

If you create an AuthenticationRequest as follows:

AuthenticationRequest authenticationRequest = new AuthenticationRequest.Builder(
                new ResponseType(ResponseType.Value.CODE),
                .codeChallenge(new CodeChallenge("test"), CodeChallengeMethod.S256)

The resulting URI still have the code_challenge parameter without computing:


A call to CodeChallenge.compute() should be issued in the process of AuthenticationRequest URL building

Comments (8)

  1. Connect2id OSS

    Here is an example correct request with code_challenge:

    // Compute PKCE
    CodeVerifier pkceVerifier = new CodeVerifier();
    CodeChallenge pkceChallenge = CodeChallenge.compute(CodeChallengeMethod.S256, pkceVerifier);
    URI authRequest = new AuthenticationRequest.Builder(
        new ResponseType("code"),
        new Scope("openid"),
        new ClientID("123"),
        .state(new State())
        .codeChallenge(pkceChallenge, CodeChallengeMethod.S256)

    The CodeChallenge object is intended for holding the computed challenge, not the verifier. The CodeChallenge(String) constructor is there to allow recreation of the code_challenge object on the server side (where the code verifier is obviously not present).

    Possible ways to prevent such confusion:

    1. Make the CodeChallenge String constructor private, and introduce a static parse(String) method. Developers will then be forced to take a closer look at the API / JavaDocs.

    2. Deprecate the existing builder method, and introduce a new codeChallenge(CodeChallengeMethod, CodeVerifier) method.

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