Nonce validation fails in parse method for hybrid flow auth requests

Issue #225 resolved
Oscar Sjöholm created an issue

In the parse method of AuthenticationRequest the 'nonce' parameter is validated like this

// Nonce required in implicit flow
        if (rt.impliesImplicitFlow() && nonce == null) {
            String msg = "Missing \"nonce\" parameter: Required in implicit flow";
            throw new ParseException(msg, OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST.appendDescription(": " + msg),
                                 clientID, redirectURI, ar.impliedResponseMode(), state);

However in the constructor the nonce param is validate with the following bit of code

// Nonce required for implicit protocol flow
if (nonce == null && (rt.impliesImplicitFlow() || rt.impliesHybridFlow()))
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nonce is required in implicit / hybrid protocol flow"); 

So if I parse the following request (A hybrid flow request, missing the nonce param) I end up getting an IllegalArgumentException instead of a ParseException.

GET /authorize?
    &state=af0ifjsldkj  HTTP/1.1

Comments (8)

  1. Oscar Sjöholm reporter

    Tests are green in our environment using the fixed version. Thank you! I appreciate your time and effort.

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