id token not optional for refresh token grant

Issue #226 invalid
Neil Thomson created an issue

Using the Hybrid workflow, it's my understanding that the id_token is optional in the response to a refresh grant request to the token endpoint.

However, I receive a "Couldn't parse ID token" exception if the OP response is only an access token and refresh token (com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.token.OIDCTokens.parse()). It's also clear from the calling classes that they expect an id_token.

Should this not be an option?

Comments (6)

  1. Neil Thomson reporter

    Perhaps I'm missing something then. I am making an Token request with a AuthorizationGrant of type RefreshTokenGrant and getting a response which only has refresh/access token.

    I'm using the connect 2 id OIDC SDK using the OIDCTokenResponseParser(httpResponse) to process the response, which throws the exception as no id_token is included .

    Or should I be using some other approach/class in the SDK to parse the token response for a refresh grant where only refresh/access tokens are included?

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