TokenIntrospectionSuccessResponse should support parsing scopes presented as JSONArray

Issue #278 invalid
Gerardo Roza created an issue


In the NimbusOpaqueTokenIntrospector#convertClaimsSet step, it first creates the claims variable by parsing the response using the toJSONObject method_. If the response has a “scope” field with an array of _Strings, it gets mapped to a JSONArray then.

Afterwards, it calls TokenIntrospectionSuccessResponse#getScope method, which first parses the "scope" param value as a String and then to a Parse object.

If we have a “scope” param with a JSONArray instance value, then the first parsing process fails (since it’s not a String), and the 'scope' claim receives a null value.

Actual Behavior

The TokenIntrospectionSuccessResponse can’t parse the scope param when it is a JSONArray object.

Expected Behavior

The TokenIntrospectionSuccessResponse can’t parse the scope param either if it is a String or a JSONArray object.

Comments (3)

  1. Yavor Vasilev
    • changed status to open

    Hi Gerardo!

    Where does this code come fron NimbusOpaqueTokenIntrospector#convertClaimsSet?

    It's not part of this SDK.

  2. Gerardo Roza reporter

    Sorry Yavor, I first thought that was part of this library too, because of its name.

    The NimbusOpaqueTokenIntrospector is a Spring Security class (particularly, it is part of the spring-security-oauth2-resource-server artifact) that uses classes from this library:

    I also created an issue in the Spring Security repo (#7563), and they made me realize that the specs actually dictate that scope is expected to be a space-delimited string (here).

    So, I think the bottom line here is “we’re ok, we’re respecting the specifications, but do we want to also support the ‘scope’ value as an array of strings?” (of course, we’re separating the scopes anyway at some point, so receiving it as an array at the beginning of the process might not be that bad IMO)

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