
Issue #365 invalid
Purna created an issue

Above request marked as Invalid…

In, serializeParameters is expecting MAP < String, LIST<String>> … same has been passed by AdalTokenRequest.

‌ public static String serializeParameters(final Map<String,List<String>> params)

In the above method, params is of MAP<String, LIST<String>> … but in src/main/java/com/nimbusds/oauth2/sdk/util/,

at line 101 - entry.getValue is assigned to “String” type… but Value in MAP is a LIST type (as per serializeParameters method parameters)… Please check.

for (String value: entry.getValue()) {

Comments (1)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    It looks like the SDK dep was bumped to a new major version (with updated URLUtils API) without updating the client code.

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