IdentityEvidenceType should be an open enumeration

Issue #368 wontfix
Former user created an issue

IdentityEvidenceType is made final, which makes it impossible to extend the framework for new evidence types (non arguably there are more ways to confirm one's identity than by utility bill, QES and ID document).

Also, the parsing machinery in the parse method of IdentityEvidence allows for no pluggability to parse new evidence types description. For example, if the evidence was a DNA fingerprint of a person, there is no way this could be parsed.

Thus, if the id token contains any non standard evidence, it becomes unparsable at any higher level of abstraction than raw JWT.

Comments (4)

  1. Yavor Vasilev


    The IdentityEvidenceType class is for declaring identifiers, that fact that it is made final doesn’t prevent users from creating instances like new Identity"videnceType(“DNA-FINGERPRINT”) .

    As for the parsing machinery, you’re right that at present it doesn’t have an interface for plugging factories for new types. Do you have ideas or suggestions for a PR to handle this?

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