Update and fix OSGi manifest

Issue #399 resolved
Tomáš Toka Mrázek created an issue

Package javax.servlet should allow usage of Servlet API v4 and should be optional in the same manner as package jakarta.servlet.

I’ve created an example working in my current OSGi environment here.

It’s not perfect, I am no OSGi expert. I am unable to add any Servlet API libraries to our environment, but the usage of this SDK is critical. I did not pay attention to proper Bundle-* fields, the goal of the example (which we will be using in a meantime), is to have correct Import-Package. I also hopefully corrected #354, which was not AFAIK fixed.

By the way I’ve switched the plugin to bnd-maven-plugin, which is de-facto official BND maven plugin.

Comments (5)

  1. Yavor Vasilev
    • changed status to open

    Thanks Tomas for the report and proposed fix.

    We don't have a test or other way to verify this fix, so we'll simply include it as you suggest.

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