OpenID Connect Federation 1.0: "nested" metadata policy entry

Issue #414 new
Pasquale Barbaro created an issue

Is there a way to have MetadataPolicy.parse(metadataPolicy) accept a metadata policy in which entries have a "nested" value?

This is a normal metadata policy entry (as it is now)

    "claim1": {
        "default": "defaultvalue",
        "one_of" : ["val1", "val2", "val3"],
        "operationN": valuesN

and this is the metadata policy entry we want to achieve:

    "claim1": {
        "claim1_child": {
            "default": "defaultvalue",
            "one_of" : ["val1", "val2", "val3"],
            "operationN": valuesN

The MetadataPolicy.parse(metadataPolicy) currently throws a PolicyViolationException with message "Unsupported policy operation: claim1_child"

Comments (2)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Hi Pasquale,

    Is this nested policy intended for metadata from OpenID Connect? A concrete example for context will help us a lot.

  2. Pasquale Barbaro reporter

    Hello Vladimir, here’s the example:

        "metadata_policy": {
            "openid_relying_party": {
                "jwks": {
                    "keys": {
                        "subset_of": [
                                "kty": "RSA",
                                "e": "AQAB",
                                "use": "sig",
                                "kid": "defaultRSASign",
                                "n": "..."
                                "kty": "RSA",
                                "e": "AQAB",
                                "use": "enc",
                                "kid": "defaultRSAEnc",
                                "n": "..."

    in openid_relying_party there’s a metadata policy entry for the parameter jwks. It is a JWK set (as described in section 5 of so it must have the parameter keys. We would like to use the policy entry to enforce the RP to have a subset of the keys contained in keys.

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