OpenID Connect Federation 1.0: enforce equality of json array in MetadataPolicy

Issue #417 open
Pasquale Barbaro created an issue

In RP metadata (section 4.2 of the parameter client_registration_types is required and must be an array of strings.
In this array, for Italian implementation of OIDC Federation there must only be the value “automatic”. Is there a way to do this check in MetadataPolicy.apply ?
Current operators subset_of and superset_of are not able to enforce that client_registration_types must be a json array of exactly one string equal to “automatic”.

Comments (10)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    The value operator should do this trick, even though it isn’t a check.


    Disregarding what value the parameter has, if any, the metadata parameter MUST be set to the specified value.

  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Roland Hedberg, who devised the policy language in the OIDC Federation spec, suggested adding an equals check to the policy checks for this purpose.

  3. Pasquale Barbaro reporter

    Would this new “equals” operator check for exact equality (e.g. check if it is a list, object, or a primitive and verify it matches a specific value) ?
    Thanks for your replies, we await news

  4. Yavor Vasilev

    Pasquale, hi!

    The policy engine was updated to the latest draft 29.

    The JUnit tests showed that a combination of subset_of + superset_of where the policies are configured identically cannot work as a reliable set “equals” check:

    This appears to be a specification bug, and a ticket will be filed there.

  5. Pasquale Barbaro reporter

    Hi @Yavor Vasilev !
    Yeah, I already knew that.
    Since the subset_of definition is a value modifier more than a check, a combination of it and superset_of cannot be a check.
    We can think of a simple example:

          subset_of = [a, b, c]
          superset_of = [a, b, c]
          [a, b, c, d, e, f, g]
          [a, b, c]

    So it is more like a force equality than check equality…

  6. Pasquale Barbaro reporter

    @Vladimir Dzhuvinov Maybe we could add a note below the sentence, like this:

    A "set equals" value check can be expressed by combining a subset_of and a superset_of with identical string list values.
    Note: if a superset of the one specified in the policy is provided, it is still accepted and the output will be the equal to the one specified in the policy, since the subset_of restricts the input set to the specified one.

    I cannot find a clearer way to say this, because it’s a particular case. Maybe an example like the one written in my previous answer could be helpful.

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