OpenID Connect Federation 1.0: fetchEntityStatement query param issue

Issue #420 resolved
Pasquale Barbaro created an issue

Let’s say there’s an entity in the federation who exposes a fetch endpoint which includes a query parameter, for example
fetch endpoint =

If we call DefaultEntityStatementRetriever.fetchEntityStatement with above fetch endpoint, sub = and iss = ,
the class makes a call to
(there is “?” instead of an “&” after “value1”, which obviously results in an error)

the piece of code in DefaultEntityStatementRetriever that makes this concatenation is below:

    private void record(final HTTPRequest httpRequest) {

        URI uri = null;
        if (httpRequest.getQuery() == null) {
            uri = httpRequest.getURI();
        } else {
            try {
                uri = new URI(httpRequest.getURL() + "?" + httpRequest.getQuery());
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                // ignore


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