Backport CVE-2023-1370 fix to 9.43.x

Issue #422 resolved
Josh Cummings created an issue

Because 10.x contains breaking changes, we would like Spring Security 6.x to stay on oauth2-oidc-sdk 9.x for the time being. Are you able to do a 9.43.x release that includes the json-smart upgrade?

Comments (5)

  1. Yavor Vasilev

    This is the new 9.43.x release, all known CVEs are cleared:

    version 9.43.2 (2023-05-11)
        * Updates JSON Smart to 2.4.10
        * Updates Nimbus JOSE+JWT to 9.31
        * Updates optional Google Tink to 1.8.0
        * Updates optional Apache Santuario XMLSec to 2.3.3

    Happy coding!

  2. Josh Cummings reporter

    Hi, Yavor! Thanks for this. It introduces a separate concern, though, which is that it introduces other risky changes like additional exceptions that are thrown when malformed data was previously ignored (nimbus jose jwt #511). These are good changes to be sure; however, in a maintenance release, we try and keep updates just to bug fixes.

    Is there a way you could release a 9.43.x that contains only maintenance upgrades? For example, I think that Nimbus would stay on 9.24.4, JSON Smart would go to 2.4.10, Google Tink would stay on 1.7.0, an Apache Santuario would go to 2.3.3.

  3. Yavor Vasilev

    Hi Josh!

    The JWT lib is reverted here.

    version 9.43.3 (2023-05-16)
        * Reverts Nimbus JOSE+JWT to 9.24.4

    Google Tink was left at 1.8.0. It pulls a ProtoBuf dep, which contains several non critical CVEs in the old 1.7.0 version. ProtoBuf can be excluded because the Tink ProtoBuf aspects are never used here. I decided to keep the 1.8.0 though, to not upset scanners.

    CVE-2022-3171 7.5 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability with medium severity found
    CVE-2022-3509 7.5 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability with medium severity found
    CVE-2022-3510 7.5 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption vulnerability with medium severity found

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