HTTPRequest send method error response does not use UTF-8 character decoding

Issue #426 resolved
Andreas Blakli created an issue

The method HTTPResponse send() in src/main/java/com/nimbusds/oauth2/sdk/http/ does not explicitly decode the error responses with UTF-8 which causes issues if the error response contains characters like ‘ÆØÅ’ and the locale in the environment where the JVM runs is not UTF-8.

How to replicate:

  • JVM with ANSI_X3.4-1968 as locale. (Can be forced through VM options i.e. ‘-Dfile.encoding=ANSI_X3.4-1968’)
  • Get error response which contains the character ‘Ø'

Expected output: ��


Comments (1)

  1. Yavor Vasilev

    Fixed here: 01b908da


    version 10.9.2 (2023-06-21)
        * HTTPResponse.send must read error responses from InputStreamReader using
          UTF-8 character encoding (iss #426).

    Thanks for the report and solution!

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