LogoutTokenClaimsSet must support the required "exp" claim

Issue #469 resolved
Yavor Vasilev created an issue


The current implementation seems to be based on draft 07.

Comments (2)

  1. Yavor Vasilev reporter

    Done: 54428fd4aa24ee06f1b2cfd832417c55227dd13f

    version 11.12 (2024-05-17)
        * Moves the getExpirationTime method from IDTokenClaimsSet to
        * LogoutTokenClaimsSet and LogoutTokenValidator must support the required
          "exp" claim (iss #469).
        * Adds new LogoutTokenClaimsSet constructor that includes an "exp" claim
        * Deprecates the LogoutTokenClaimsSet constructor that doesn't include the
          "exp" claim argument.

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