authz schema not working with openldap 2.4.50

Issue #5 new
Former user created an issue

With OpenLDAP 2.4.50 on Alpine slapadd with oidc-authz-schema-openldap.ldif produce an error:

sudo slapadd -l oidc-authz-schema-openldap.ldif -n0
5f2ecacb olcObjectClasses: value #8 olcObjectClasses: Unexpected token before  )       X-ORIGIN 'OAuth 2.0' )
ObjectClassDescription = "(" whsp
  numericoid whsp                 ; ObjectClass identifier
  [ "NAME" qdescrs ]
  [ "DESC" qdstring ]
  [ "OBSOLETE" whsp ]
  [ "SUP" oids ]                ; Superior ObjectClasses
  [ ( "ABSTRACT" / "STRUCTURAL" / "AUXILIARY" ) whsp ]
                                  ; default structural
  [ "MUST" oids ]               ; AttributeTypes
  [ "MAY" oids ]                ; AttributeTypes
  whsp ")"
slapadd: could not add entry dn="cn={6}oidcAuthz,cn=schema,cn=config" (line=1):
_#################### 100.00% eta   none elapsed            none fast!
Closing DB...

oidc-client-schema-openldap.ldif and oidc-session-schema-openldap.ldif works well though.

Comments (2)

  1. Éloi Rivard

    The fix is quite simple: just add a $ after both oidcClaimsData in src/main/resources/oidc-authz-schema-openldap.ldif

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